Konstantinos PatronasLinux: how to find files in a directory and compress themOne of the most common operations as a sysadmin / devops engineer is to find files in a directory and compress them. Let's see some handy…May 31, 2024May 31, 2024
Konstantinos PatronasLinux: How to find files with specific extensions and scp them to another hostOne very common task of Sysadmins / Devops is to transfer files from one server to another, the most common way is to use scp, a tool that…Jun 4, 20241Jun 4, 20241
Radwane lourhmatiInstalling Python 3.11 on Ubuntu: Step-by-StepPython 3.11 is the latest major release of the Python programming language, offering new features, improvements, and bug fixes. In this…Jul 15, 20234Jul 15, 20234