InLevel Up CodingbyJacob BennettUse Git like a senior engineerGit is a powerful tool that feels great to use when you know how to use it.Nov 15, 2022131Nov 15, 2022131
InStackademicbyCyCoderXGit Essentials Every Developer Should KnowLearn the core Git skills every developer needs for version controlNov 29, 20242Nov 29, 20242
InLevel Up CodingbyLiu Zuo Lin14 Git Things I Regret Not Knowing EarlierRead Free: 16, 202422Nov 16, 202422
Py-Core Python ProgrammingTop GitHub Accounts Every Python Developer Should FollowGitHub is a treasure trove of Python resources, filled with repositories that can help developers at every stage of their journey. From…Sep 13, 20242Sep 13, 20242
Brian JenneyGit Doesn’t Have to be Complicated. Here’s my Dead Simple Workflow for you to StealLet’s explore the dead simple Git workflow I’ve been using for years to commit my work, debug complicated issues and save a few release…May 30, 202417May 30, 202417
InLevel Up CodingbyShalitha SurangaGit Commands and Features That Every Developer Should KnowUse these Git commands/features to improve your programming productivityAug 6, 20244Aug 6, 20244
InProgramming DomainbyShuai LiYou Can Understand Git & Git Commands with These DiagramsBasic CommandsJul 31, 20221Jul 31, 20221
InITNEXTbyMartin HeinzModern Git Commands and Features You Should Be UsingIt’s not 2005 anymore and git offers more than just add, commit, push and pull. Let’s explore all the new, modern git commands, that you…Mar 4, 202422Mar 4, 202422
Ario LiyanGit the version controllerIn this collection, I have carefully curated a comprehensive set of essential Git concepts that every developer should be familiar with…Sep 2, 2023Sep 2, 2023
Ario LiyanChecking out a commit in GitThis article is one of the articles in my Git the version controller series. In this article, we learn about the git aliases.Sep 20, 2023Sep 20, 2023
Anil GoyalGithub Copilot vs Amazon CodeWhispererBoth Github Copilot and Amazon Code Whisperer are AI coding assistant tool i.e., an AI-powered tool that has been designed to help us…Jan 18, 2024Jan 18, 2024
A boy who was loved.How to host a website on GitHub.You can host a website on GitHub using GitHub Pages, which is a free service that allows you to publish a website directly from a GitHub…Mar 2, 2023Mar 2, 2023
InDevopsCurrybyDevopsCurry (DC)Looking At GutHub Actions in 2024Introduction To GitHub ActionsMar 27, 2024Mar 27, 2024
InTDS ArchivebyDr. Varshita SherHands-On Introduction to Github Actions for Data ScientistsLearn how to automate experiment tracking with Weights & Biases, unit testing, artifact creation, and lots more…Jun 30, 2022Jun 30, 2022
InThe Dev ProjectbyJINThe Introduction to GitHubIt is a source code hosting platform for open-source and private software projects. They can work anywhere with an Internet connection.Dec 8, 2022Dec 8, 2022
InTowards AIbyAmit ChauhanAn Introduction to GithubA detailed article on how to use GitHub for beginnersJun 11, 2021Jun 11, 2021
InTDS ArchivebyDéborah MesquitaIntroduction to GitHub ActionsFor data scientistsAug 13, 20203Aug 13, 20203
CodeWithMuhIntroduction To GitHub ActionsGitHub Actions is a CI/CD platform that is integrated into GitHub and allows you to automate your software development workflows. With…Jan 30, 2023Jan 30, 2023
InStraight Bias DevsbyLaxfed PaulacyPYTHON — How to publish a Python package on PyPI?Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute. — Harold AbelsonMar 26, 2024Mar 26, 2024